Bela Stantic教授应实验室邀请来我系做学术报告


Title:The Challenge of a Big Data Explosion

Abstract:Wewitness the explosion of data which now comes not only in new formsand formats but also in enormous sizes and extreme velocity.   Someexamples include structured data from transactions we make,unstructured data as text communications of different kinds,varieties of multimedia files and video streams. Size, variety andvelocity of such data pose a challenge for traditional robustrelational databases management systems.  To ensure efficientprocessing of this data, often called ‘Big Data’, the use ofhighly distributed and scalable systems and new data managementarchitectures, e.g. distributed file systems and NoSQL database, hasbeen widely considered. This talk will present a bold vision aboutthe future of databases and elaborate on issues related to theefficient management of Big Data, discuss findings and current trendsas well as suggest possible research directions.

 Speaker:ProfessorBela Stantic, Griffith University, Australia

ShortBiography: AssociateProfessor Bela Stantic is Director of “Big Data and SmartAnalytics” lab within the Institute for Integrated and IntelligentSystems, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. He is alsoDeputy Head of School of Information and Communication Technologywithin the Griffith University. His area of research isefficient management of complex data structures including Big Data,Spatio-temporal and High dimensional data. He has published more than90 peer reviewed journal and conference papers and presented manyinvited and Keynotes talks at prestigious conferences.  Hesupervised many PhD students to their graduation and served onProgram Committees of more than 100 conferences and was/is doing theeditorial duties of many Journals in area of his research.


Time: 3:30pm, Friday, January 30 

 Venue: Room407, Nanhai building