数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索 |
学术期刊 |
一、A类 | | | | |
序号 | 刊物简称 | 刊物全称 | 出版社 | 网址 |
1 | TODS | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | ACM |
2 | TOIS | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | ACM |
3 | TKDE | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | IEEE |
4 | VLDBJ | The VLDB Journal | Springer |
二、B类 | | | |
1 | TKDD | ACM Transactions on Knowledge | ACM |
Discovery from Data |
2 | TWEB | ACM Transactions on the Web | ACM |
3 | AEI | Advanced Engineering Informatics | Elsevier |
4 | DKE | Data and Knowledge Engineering | Elsevier |
5 | DMKD | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | Springer |
6 | EJIS | European Journal of Information | Springer |
Systems |
7 | | GeoInformatica | Springer |
8 | IPM | Information Processing and Management | Elsevier |
9 | | Information Sciences | Elsevier |
10 | IS | Information Systems | Elsevier |
11 | JASIST | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | American Society for |
Information Science and Technology |
12 | JWS | Journal of Web Semantics | Elsevier |
13 | KAIS | Knowledge and Information Systems | Springer |
三、C类 | | | | |
1 | DPD | Distributed and Parallel Databases | Springer |
2 | I&M | Information and Management | Elsevier |
3 | IPL | Information Processing Letters | Elsevier |
4 | IR | Information Retrieval Journal | Springer |
5 | IJCIS | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems | World Scientific |
6 | IJGIS | International Journal of Geographical Information | Taylor & Francis |
Science |
7 | IJIS | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | Wiley |
8 | IJKM | International Journal of Knowledge Management | IGI |
9 | IJSWIS | International Journal on Semantic Web and Information | IGI |
Systems |
10 | JCIS | Journal of Computer Information Systems | IACIS |
11 | JDM | Journal of Database Management | IGI-Global |
12 | JGITM | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | Ivy League |
Publishing |
13 | JIIS | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | Springer |
14 | JSIS | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Elsevier |
学术会议 |
一、A类 | | | | |
1 | SIGMOD | ACM Conference on Management of Data | ACM |
2 | SIGKDD | ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | ACM |
3 | ICDE | IEEE International Conference on Data | IEEE |
Engineering |
4 | SIGIR | International Conference on Research on | ACM |
Development in Information Retrieval |
5 | VLDB | International Conference on Very Large Data Bases | Morgan Kaufmann/ACM |
二、B类 | | | | |
1 | CIKM | ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | ACM |
2 | WSDM | ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining | ACM |
3 | PODS | ACM Symposium on Principles of Database | ACM |
Systems |
4 | DASFAA | Database Systems for Advanced Applications | Springer |
5 | ECML-PKDD | European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases | Springer |
6 | ISWC | IEEE International Semantic Web Conference | IEEE |
7 | ICDM | International Conference on Data Mining | IEEE |
8 | ICDT | International Conference on Database Theory | Springer |
9 | EDBT | International Conference on Extending DB | Springer |
Technology |
10 | CIDR | International Conference on Innovative Data | Online Proceeding |
Systems Research |
11 | SDM | SIAM International Conference on Data | SIAM |
Mining |
三、C类 | | | | |
1 | APWeb | Asia Pacific Web Conference | Springer |
2 | DEXA | Database and Expert System Applications | Springer |
3 | ECIR | European Conference on IR Research | Springer |
4 | ESWC | Extended Semantic Web Conference | Springer |
5 | WebDB | International ACM Workshop on Web and | ACM |
Databases |
6 | ER | International Conference on Conceptual | Springer |
Modeling |
7 | MDM | International Conference on Mobile Data | IEEE |
Management |
8 | SSDBM | International Conference on Scientific and | IEEE |
Statistical DB Management |
9 | WAIM | International Conference on Web Age | Springer |
Information Management |
10 | SSTD | International Symposium on Spatial and | Springer |
Temporal Databases |
11 | PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge | Springer |
Discovery and Data Mining |