

序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1TIT IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE
2IANDC Information and Computation Elsevier
3SICOMP SIAM Journal on Computing SIAM
1TALG ACM Transactions on Algorithms ACM
2TOCL ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM
3TOMS ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software ACM
4Algorithmica Algorithmica Springer
5CC Computational Complexity Springer
6FAC Formal Aspects of Computing Springer
7FMSD Formal Methods in System Design Springer
9JCSS Journal of Computer and System Sciences Elsevier
10JGO Journal of Global Optimization Springer
11JSC Journal of Symbolic Computation Elsevier
12MSCS Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Cambridge
University Press
13TCS Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier
1ACTA Acta Informatica Springer
2APAL Annals of Pure and Applied Logic Elsevier
3DAM Discrete Applied Mathematics Elsevier
4FUIN Fundamenta Informaticae IOS Press
5LISP Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer
6IPL Information Processing Letters Elsevier
7JCOMPLEXITY Journal of Complexity Elsevier
8LOGCOM Journal of Logic and Computation Oxford University Press
9JSL Journal of Symbolic Logic Association for Symbolic Logic
10LMCS Logical Methods in Computer Science LMCS
11SIDMA SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics SIAM
12   Theory of Computing Systems Springer
1STOC ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing ACM
2SODA ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SIAM
3CAV Computer Aided Verification Springer
4FOCS IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science IEEE
5LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE
1SoCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry ACM
2ESA European Symposium on Algorithms Springer
3CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE
4ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Springer
5CADE/IJCAR International Conference on Automated Springer
Deduction/International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
6CONCUR International Conference on Concurrency Theory Springer
7HSCC International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Springer and ACM
Computation and Control
8SAT Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing Springer
1CSL Computer Science Logic Springer
2FMCAD Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design ACM
3FSTTCS Foundations of Software Technology and Indian Association for Research in Computing Science
Theoretical Computer Science
4DSAA IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics IEEE
5ICTAC International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing Springer
6IPCO International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Springer
7RTA International Conference on Rewriting Springer
Techniques and Applications
8ISAAC International Symposium on Algorithms and Springer
9MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science Springer
10STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Springer