实验室论文被IEEE ToC 录用


实验室博士生李杰,邓玉辉老师等人联合撰写的论文《Towards Thermal-Aware Workload Distribution in Cloud Data Centers Based on  Failure Models》被计算机系统结构领域的权威国际学术期刊《IEEE Transactions on Computers》录用。论文提出了一种热感知的一体化数据中心失效模型。IEEE Transactions on ComputersCCF 推荐A类国际期刊。论文将于2022年正式发表。



Abstract—Increasing workload conditions lead to a significant surge in power consumption and computing node failures in data centers. Existing workload distribution strategies merely are focused on either thermal awareness or failure mitigation, overlooking the impact of node failures on the energy efficiency of cloud data centers. To address this issue, a holistic model is built to characterize the impacts of workloads, computing and cooling costs, heat recirculation, and node failure on the energy efficiency of cloud data centers. Leveraging such a holistic model, we propose a novel thermal-aware workload distribution strategy called HGSA to take into account node failure, thereby aiming to improve the energy efficiency of cloud data centers. Our empirical findings confirm that (i) faulty nodes lead to a large rise in power consumption, and (ii) failure locations play a vital role in the power consumption of data centers. Experimental results unveil that our HGSA is adroit at making near-optimal decisions in workload distribution strategies. In particular, HGSA cuts down the minimum inlet temperature by 5.2%-15%, improves the maximum air temperature of CRAC by 4.2%-26.5%, lowers the cooling cost by 15.4%-50% compared to the existing solutions. Furthermore, HGSA cuts back the total power consumption by 0.65%-78%.