实验室论文被IEEE TSC录用


实验室博士生李杰,邓玉辉老师等人联合撰写的论文《BTVMP: A Burst-aware and Thermal-efficient Virtual Machine Placement Approach for  Cloud Data Centers》被计算机系统结构领域的权威国际学术期刊《IEEE Transactions on Services Computing》录用。IEEE TSCCCF A类期刊。论文将于2024年正式发表。论文摘要如下:



Abstract—With the rapid growth of cloud computing, frequent workload bursts show an increasing influence on the Quality of Service (QoS) and energy efficiency of cloud-based data centers. Existing virtual machine placement schemes are expected to optimize either QoS or energy efficiency for cloud data centers running under bursty workload conditions. To bridge this gap, we propose a burst-aware and thermal-efficient virtual machine placement technique called BTVMP. BTVMP adopts a two-step strategy to achieve energy efficiency while assuring QoS. First, BTVMP leverages a split-and-recombine algorithm – SAR – to deal with bursty workloads. SAR prioritizes critical workloads while preventing low-priority workloads from starvation, thereby assuring QoS. Second, BTVMP utilizes an enhanced simulated annealing algorithm called ESA to offer optimal thermal-efficient virtual machine placement (VMP) solutions, aiming to minimize the energy consumption of data centers. To facilitate estimating energy consumption, we integrate into BTVMP a thermal model that takes into account heat re-circulation effects. We conduct ex-tensive experiments with a real-world trace. We compare BTVMP with the leading-edge VMP strategies, including Genetic Algo-rithm (XINT-GA), Power-Aware and Performance-Guaranteed Virtual Machine Placement (PPVMP), Peak Load Scheduling Control Method (PLSC), First Come First Serve (FCFS), and GReedy based scheduling Algorithm minimizing Total Energy (GRANITE). The experimental results unveil that BTVMP not only enhances QoS but also exhibits superb energy efficiency. In particular, BTVMP reduces PLSC’s workload delay and FCFS’s critical workload delay by 18% and 11%, respectively. Moreover, BTVMP lowers the total energy consumption of the three alternative algorithms –GRANITE, XINTGA, PPVMP, and PLSC – by anywhere between 27.8% and 49.4%.