实验室论文被IEEE TKDE录用


实验室硕士生李健俊,邓玉辉老师等人联合撰写的论文《Gecko: Efficient Sliding Window Aggregation with Granular-based Bulk Eviction over Big Data Streams》被《  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》录用。 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringCCF 推荐A类国际期刊。论文将于2025年正式发表。

Abstract—Sliding window aggregation, which extracts summaries from data streams, is a core operation in streaming analysis. Though existing sliding window algorithms that perform single eviction and insertion operations can achieve a worst case time complexity of O(1) for in-order streams, real-world data streams often involve out-of-order data and exhibit burst data characteristics, which pose performance challenges to these sliding window algorithms. To address this challenging issue, we propose Gecko - a novel sliding window aggregation algorithm that supports bulk eviction. Gecko leverages a granular-based eviction strategy for various bulk sizes, enabling efficient bulk eviction while maintaining the performance close to that of in-order stream algorithms for single evictions. For large data bulks, Gecko performs coarse-grained eviction at the chunk level, followed by fine-grained eviction using leftward binary tree aggregation (LTA) as a complementary method. Moreover, Gecko partitions data based on chunks to prevent the impacts of out-of-order data on other chunks, thereby enabling efficient handling of out-of-order data streams. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of Gecko. Experimental results demonstrate that Gecko exhibits superior performance over other solutions, which is consistent with theoretical expectations. In real-world data scenarios, Gecko improves the average throughput of the state-of-the-art algorithm b FiBA by 1.7 times, with a maximum improvement of up to 3.5 times. Gecko also demonstrates the best latency performance among all compared schemes.